Sep 25/16 – Rob, Pat and Rebecca

We have started at 8 AM in the morning at Peaks. The ground school including simulator was completed and everybody got their student pilot permit. We’ve finished by 2:30 PM.


VIDEO – students in simulators

The students had one hour break while I have loaded up the tandem and collected all the bits that I need to train someone on trike. When we got to the field Rob and Pat started to ground handle.


They are at the point where They need to fine tune their skills. Rebecca put in a good session practice inflations in the trike and trike taxiing.


At the end, I took Pat and Rob for quick tandem flight as I had tandem unit at the field to give them feel what it’s like to fly PPG.


I will fly tandem with Rebecca under dual training as she’s learning how to trike.

Overall, very successful day.