Damage To My Equipment
After teaching PPG for 21 seasons (2021) I have seen quite few un-stabilized take off attempts that can cause pilot stumble and fall. Several students broke propeller and/or prop cage and/or frame. I have also seen few holes in the canopy of paraglider and/or severed lines due to late reaction to shut motor off on aborted take off.
There is no insurance to cover this and I can’t pay for repairs to school equipment out of my pocket. Instead of increasing price of PPG course for everyone, I charge each particular individual for damages they cause. I feel that increasing price of the course in general would not be fair and would “punish” majority of students as majority of participants have no issues and will not cause any damage.
All students planning to use my flight equipment will be required to pre-authorize $ 1000 VISA or MC sales slip or provide $ 1000 in cash, certified cheque or money order.
Preauthorized credit card slip, $ 1000 cash or certified cheque or money order will be returned at the end of the course or upon request.