Apr 19/16 – PPG course day 4

Started at 3 pm with brush up on ground handling. By 4:30 it was flyable. Jason took off into nice air and had wonderful flight. next was Kevin who managed one of the craziest take off I have ever seen. It did work at the end. Bobby, who started in the fall, also did a nice flight.


Then it went down hill from there. Jason had small stuble but being big guy and the Miniplane being very light but as stron as RS Ultra frames cracked. We tried the other miniplane that was giving us hard time yesterday but it was still acting up. We then tried to make one functioning paramotor out of the two but did not have enough time to get it done. Bobby flew second flight but when he landed we have noticed that one of his A lines was broken. The paraglider was constantly moving in the air which make him nauseated and that was the end of his flying even though we have replaced the A line. Kevin did another flight – much better the last and then one more.

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After short break he has tried again but this time his take off was very unstabilized and he tripped and chipped his prop. Bummer – it was nice day to fly.