July 25/15 – Do you remember what to do in PPG emergency?
If the answer is no, I can help you with an app I have created called an Emergency Memorizer.
The Emergency Memorizer App was created to help you to store and remember your emergency procedures.
The app comes preloaded with examples of emergencies to make users understand its structure and function. Please delete and/or edit those emergency examples and enter your own emergencies.
1) Once your emergencies and related procedures are entered, they are always with you and you can access the solutions quickly.
2) You can test your ability to react to a simulated random emergency at any time using test button.
3) You can set up an alarm schedule where a simulated random emergency will be presented to you by the app at random time
4) If you register, you can exchange emergencies and related solutions with other registered users using the share (export/import) feature
This is new original idea and you need to read a tutorial to understand how this works: http://www.emergencymemorizer.com/getting-started/
If you register for account and share something to me at zemanandre@gmail.com I will share back my PPG emergencies so you can stay on top of it.
The app is $ 2.29 CAD – please look for it in your app store, buy it, install it, play with it, set up an account. I need some feedback.
If you use it on regular bases, you will know what to do if your engine goes full power in flight and you can’t go back to idle or if you enter spin and similar…
Thanks, I really appreciate it.