I just want to share with you what a purchase of used PPG gear on line can turn out to be. This kind of thing happens more often then you think.
Recent student, David, had no PPG experience when he purchased his gear on internet from some folks in Texas. This was supposed to be well maintained paramotor with 25 hrs on the engine “ready to go” He has negotiated the price including shipping, paid and then the boxes arrived. The shipping company requested that shipping was to be paid on delivery even though David has already paid seller for shipping. OK, David paid the shipper thinking that he will sort it out later basically paying for shipping twice.
The equipment then sat for couple of months till David came back from his job in Africa. He then loaded the gear up and brought it over to use it through out his PPG course. When he showed it to me, I right the way noticed many issues that needed immediate attention:
- Throttle hand control did not have retaining, over the hand, strap – so the hand control would slip out of David’s hand any time he would not consciously grip it – I HAVE MADE NEW STRAP AND RIVETED IT TO HIS THROTTLE CONTROL
- The wire cable operating the carburetor lever would not return to its idle position because it was old and frayed – this could cause the engine rev up unexpectedly on the ground and cause prop strike related injuries – I HAVE REPLACED THE WIRE FOR NEW AND ALSO INSTALLED ADDITIONAL RETURN SPRINGS
- Harness was simply too small for David – all PPG harnesses come in several sizes and the one on David’s paramotor was simply not big enough – I WAS NOT ABLE TO FIX THIS – DAVID NEEDS NEW HARNESS
- The velcro holding the safety latch for the “quick release” buckle was worn out – this could cause accidental harness release and David could fall out the machine during take off climb or on glide before landing – I HAVE REPLACED THE VELCRO WITH MY HANDY SOWING MACHINE AND INSTALLED SECONDARY VALCRO SAFETY STRAP TO FURTHER ENSURE THAT THE HARNESS WOULD NOT OPEN ACCIDENTALLY
- The engine was missing cylinder/head gasket!?? – I HAD NEW GASKET SO I HAVE FIXED IT

- The head was scored and dented – COULD NOT FIX IT BUT THE ENGINE WILL RUN OK LIKE THIS

- Pull start cord was completely worn out – I HAVE REPLACED IT WITH NEW PULL CORD
- Pull start pulley on frame was damaged – rope cut through it – I HAVE REPLACED THE PULLEY WITH NEW, HIGHER QUALITY ONE
- Carburetor was missing lock washer that holds main control shaft. All membranes inside were too old and needed replacement – I HAVE FIXED IT
- Carburetor – the throttle plate inside of carburetor was missing screw that fastened it to main control shaft – I HAVE FIXED IT
- Carburetor return spring was held down by blob JB Weld, someone did ugly half fast fix – I HAVE REPAIRED IT PROPERLY
- Priming bulb was old and of lowest possible quality – not the original that usually comes with this machine – REPLACED WITH NEW, HIGH QUALITY ONE AND REPLACED MOST OF FUEL LINE UTILIZING PROPER STAND OFFS
- The electrical wiring harness was shoddy, about to break in several spots – I HAVE REPAIRED AND REPLACED SEVERAL PARTS OF WIRING
- The gas tanks were fastened to lower cage by velcro that have completely disintegrated – I HAVE FIXED IT WITH HEAVY DUTY ZIP TIES
- Paraglider – did not have risers with trims and was unusable like this – I HAVE FIXED IT BY REPLACING RISERS WITH PROPER PPG RISERS
- The day David was leaving, the pull start stopped rewinding back – I DID NOT HAVE TIME TO FIX THIS BUT SOLD DAVID NEW PULL START MOSTER KIT – HOPEFULLY HE CAN FIX IT ON HIS OWN
- We have also realized that the carburetor was leaking fuel on hot muffler. After cloes inspection we have determined that the carburetor is internally damaged beyond repair – DAVID NEEDS NEW ONE
David sent several emails to the seller about the above but to this day received no response…
What it all comes down to is this:
You can buy used car on line because you can call nearby car repair shop and have them to look at the car and tell you what shape it is in. They will be unbiased and work on your behalf.
You can’t do that with PPG gear because there are typically no repair shops or professionals near by that would verify that you are getting what you are paying for. You are completely on the mercy of the seller. And even if you buy used gear locally, you may get “screwed” because you do not even know what to look for. David is a great example of this and I feel bad for him…